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Dry Bones 6"" Plush

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Are you looking for Dry Bones 6"" Plush? We found best price for you. Go to link below to buy the Dry Bones 6"" Plush for the lowest price.

Dry Bones 6"" Plush Review

Little Buddy did it again! Excelent product for excelent price. I've got my Dry Bones 6"" Plush today and I cannot keep my hands off it.

Dry Bones 6"" Plush Description

Our Dry Bones plush lets you finally realize a lifelong dream... you know in the Super Mario Bros games how whenever you approached Dry Bones he crumbled and wouldn't reassemble until you got far enough away. That only means one thing: you could never give him a hug! This Dry Bones 6"" plush will finally allow you to give him a big old hug and he won't crumble into a sad pile, we promise.